This cute girl got rescued from Vasanth Nagar, Muthialpet, Pondicherry , when she had a fracture on hind leg as result of an accident. She was unable to walk and handle herself. Rescued and transported to Bark India veterinary hospital, the puppy gets free medical care and veterinary support to recover. Our veterinary doctor keeps...
Tag: #ngosinindia
BarkIndia TeamPost
Maggot wound dog rescue and recovery- Veterinary hospital for stray dog treatment
The stray dog rescued from Uppalam, Puducherry, with maggots made wound on neck and head- before and after treatment at Bark India veterinary hospital located at Pattanur, Villupuram district, Tamil Nadu. After free treatment, vaccination and sterilisation, the dog is happily back to his own territory. Bark India believes in release of strays after treatment,...
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