Brownie was found with a big maggot wound on neck at Muthulingampett, Lawspet, Pondicherry. Much thanks to Ms Senthamizh Thenmozhial for informing us and arranging the transportation of the dog to Bark India veterinary care. After the dog’s hospitalization at Bark India, maggots were removed and his wound is getting better with medical...
Tag: #animalwelfareorgsanisation
BarkIndia TeamPost
Animal rescue, treatment and welfare- August 2020
Thank you everyone . Because of your help and support, in the month of August, 2020, Bark India Charitable Trust rescued and provided medical care to 76 animals ( 74 dogs, 1 cat,1 bird) and 36 surgeries were done ( including 32 sterilisation). 3 dogs got their forever happy homes, 139 animals got vaccinated and...