Thanks to each and everyone helped us serving the neediest stray animals in the month of June, 2022. Your in-kind gifts and monetary donations has helped us
Rescuing – 82 animals
Sterilizing – 20 animals
Surgeries – 10 animals
Adoptions – 4 animals
Outpatients – 81 animals
Vaccinating – 108 animals
Feeding – 550 animals

Please continue your valuable support to the needy strays. 🙏
#barkindiamonthlyreport #sickanimalcare #animalrescuecentre #animalvaccination #animalrescuers #animalrescueandcharity #outpatients #animalbirthcontrol #helpanimalsinindia #veterinaryhospital #animalwelfareactivities #charityforanimals #monthlyreport #rescues #rescuesaveslives #veterinarysurgeries #animallifematters #animalwelfarengo #indianngos#nonprofit#animalwelfareorganization #supportngos#animaladoptions #straydogfeeding #ngos #pondicherry #strayanimalwelfare #helpsick #dogvaccination #dogrescues #fromwheretoadopt #catvaccinationcentre #animalbirthcontrol #dogsterilisationcentre, #sickanimal #wheretovaccinatedog #helpngos #strayanimalfeeding #charityanimalrescue, #supportsmallngos, #ngoswithtaxexemption, #veterinaryhospital #pondicherry, #treatpets