We thank you for the immense support provided in the month of October 2022, in helping stray animals. Among millions of stray dogs and other animals in India, a few but the neediest have been rescued and given the best possible care in and around Pondicherry.

Every day is new in helping animals with different medical needs. In October, 2022, 77 stray animals (75 dogs and 2 birds) have been rescued and given medical care to, 41 animals ( dogs and cats) have been sterilized through spay and neutering, 12 dogs had other veterinary surgeries ( tumor , orthopedic, hematoma, pinning and other surgeries0 at Bark India veterinary hospital, 83 animals got service as outpatients, feeding 550 strays every day in different parts of Puducherry and surrounding Tamil Nadu areas.
All these work has been possible with the generous support of public and animal lovers. We are greateful to each and every individual donors who helped with monetary and in-kind donations.
The scope and need of rescue is getting wide every day as the number of animals increases on the streets and more prone to accidents or disesases due to lack of proper food and medical care, hence focusing more of rescues have been the necessity of the time. The support of responsible public and kind animal lovers is the backbone of us as a non-profit Oraganisation. You may not be able to help all of the animals- but your kindness and donation can make forever and happy changes in the life of these voiceless by making a single donation. Public charities can not rely on themselves without public response.
Being the most civilized and sensible section of society, we believe in human responsibility of helping the fellow voiceless beings, who can not ask or ask for their own help. Only through the co-existence, lets make a healthy society and loving world.
Support us to help their lives better by making a donation here.
(Kindly provide your full name, PAN number and address to issue the receipt that would enable you tax exemption and help us for compulsory IT filing.)